The coolest part of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for me is definitely the dragons. They're immense, powerful and mysterious, and I wanted to create art of the dragons that I could hang on my wall. I've had a 7"x7" block of wood laying around my house, wondering what to do with it, and finally it clicked that I should make a trio print of all the dragons.
Starting with Dinraal, I made a vector outline, which I would use as a base for creating the other dragons as well. I wanted a similar pose with small changes between the three.

Adding bright color so it would show up on the wood:

And how it looks when tranferred onto the wood:

My next step will be to try to draw around the outline with a burning tool, to give it more definition. And then, the other two!
UPDATE: Tried the burning tool, but I'm not pleased with the result. The way the tool jumps while burning results in an ill-defined line that isn't giving the effect I wanted:

Maybe if I had a thinner needle for the burning tool and a steadier hand (and patience) it would be fine but for now I think the best result comes from just printing it:
